Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

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Home learning (or homework) is an important part of a child’s education and can add much to their development. Children benefit greatly from the mutual support of parents and teachers in encouraging them to learn both at home and at school. We see Home Learning as an important way of establishing successful dialogue between teachers and parents. One of the aims of our school is for children to develop as independent learners and Home Learning is one way in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning.

Home Learning plays a positive role in raising a child’s attainment. While Home Learning is important, it should not prevent children from taking part in the wide range of out-of-school clubs and organisations that play an important role in the lives of many children. We also acknowledge the important role that play and free time in a child’s growth and development. We are aware that children spend more time at home than at school, and we believe they develop their skills, interests and talents to the full only when parents encourage them to make the maximum use of the experiences and opportunities that are available outside school.

At Holland, the expectation is that all children will read at home every night for a minimum of 30 minutes. We do not see this as a chore but rather an enjoyable time to spend sharing stories. We believe the more securely a child can read and spell and the more agile they can be with their mental arithmetic skills the better able they will be to work confidently and independently.

In Years 3 and 4, we provide approximately 1½ hours of home learning weekly. In Years 5 and 6 we provide 2½ hours approximately weekly (half an hour homework daily). The expectation is that all children in years 5 and 6 will complete the English and Maths tasks set weekly as home learning. Parents will be informed of homework expectations and requirements during year group information sessions at the start of the school year.

We hope that our parents will understand and feel confident to support their children using their own knowledge, based on the good support and communication they receive from school. 

All children are encouraged to complete homework and are rewarded with house points and Homework Hero certificates in our weekly assemblies.

View our Home Learning Policy here.