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Home | Learning | Inclusion
Inclusion is at the heart of Holland Junior School’s ethos.
At Holland Junior School, every member of the school community is regarded as being of equal worth and importance. We respect the unique contribution that every individual can make to the community and seeks to place this contribution within a clear structure which both embraces the highest possible academic aspirations and accepts individual differences in ability, aptitude and level of skills. Inclusion recognises differences; meeting the needs of individuals and taking positive action, so that everyone has equal access to the educational opportunities offered by the school. This includes regularly monitoring individual progress and achievement.
We follow the SEN code of practice and work supportively to meet a wide range of needs. Because every child is unique, we understand that their education may need to be adapted to allow them to reach their potential.
Staff follow a clear structure for identifying needs. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants are continually assessing pupil progress in order to set personalised activities and targets. Staff at the school are highly skilled at mapping curriculum and delivering lessons that meet the needs of all children – no matter what special educational need or disability they may have; this includes higher achieving pupils.
We work closely with pupils, parents, carers and other professionals to make decisions about what is best for each child. We are flexible, creative and resourceful in our determination to deliver the best, individually-tailored education possible.
Within our school community, we see the child rather than any disability and our pupils are naturally accepting of differences. This is something that makes us very proud.
Meeting Diverse Needs
At Holland Junior School we recognise that we must actively seek to recognise and meet the very diverse needs of our pupils by:
Personalising the Curriculum
Management of Inclusion
Our Learning Support Assistants