Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

Home | Our School

Policies & Documents

Home | Our School

Policies & Documents








The following documents are held on The Pioneer Academy website and can be accessed via the following links

 Financial Documents https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/documents/financialdocuments

·         Financial statements

·         Trade union facility time

·         Executive Pay

 Legal Documents


·         Articles of Association

·         Master Funding Agreement

 Gender Pay Gap


 Trustee and Governor Register of Business Interests – https://thepioneeracademy.co.uk/bexley/primary/pioneeracademy/site/pages/aboutus/governance/businessinterestsmeetingattendance

 Scheme of Delegation



The following policies are held on The Pioneer Academy website and can be accessed via the following link



·         Finance manual and associated policies

·         Reserves policy

·         Whistleblowing policy


·         Assessment policy

·         British Values Statement


·         Environmental strategy


·         Safer Recruitment policy


·         Mental Health & Wellbeing policy

 Health & Safety

·         Health & Safety policy


·         Equality Information Statement


·         GDPR manual and associated policies



·         Scheme of Delegation


Volunteer Policy

HJS Educational Visits Policy 23

HJS ESafety policy 2023-24

Computing Policy HJS 2023-24

SEND Policy HJS 2024-25

HJS Behaviour Policy 2023-24

HJS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25

HJS Attendance Policy 2022

School Security Policy Jan 2023

Our Behaviour Code

GDPR Privacy Notice Staff

GDPR Privacy Notice Pupils

Equality Objectives

Lettings policy Hire Agreement TPA updated Sept 2022

Concerns and Complaints Policy

Safeguarding pupils walking home from school

Exclusions policy

Outdoor Learning policy HJS

RE policy HJS

PSHE with RSE Policy

PE Policy 2024 HJS

Music Policy HJS

HJS Science Policy

MfL policy HJS

HJS History Policy

HJS Geography Policy 2020

English as an Additional Language Policy HJS

Calculation Policy HJS

DT policy HJS

Art & Display policy HJS

Computing Policy HJS

Uniform Policy

First Aid injuries allergies and medication policy 2022

Website terms and conditions

Whistleblowing Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

School Admissions Arrangements for Sept 2023

Concerns and Complaints Process

Maths policy HJS

English Policy HJS

Pupils Remote Learning and Remote Education Policy

RSHE Policy

Code of Conduct for Visitors Policy

Home School Agreement HJS

Supporting children with medical conditions and medical policy HJS

Accessibility Plan

Anti Bullying Policy

HJS Home Learning Policy 2021

HJS Written Statement of Behaviour Principles