Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

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Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium







Pupil Premium Money has been carefully spent and tracked at The Pioneer Academy. We ensure that there is a whole school focus on continuing to close the gap in attainment and achievement between Ever 6 pupils (Children who have been eligible for free school meals within the last six years and looked after children) and Non-Ever 6 pupils. Pupil Premium

The school receives an annual allocation of funding for each child entitled to receive Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years, and children who are looked after (LAC) or previously looked after (PLAC) and children of service families.

The Governors and Staff decide the best way to spend that funding in order to achieve the maximum benefit for all vulnerable children at Holland Junior School.

Our Pupil Premium Pupils

We have high expectations for all our pupils regardless of their starting points when they join us and of the particular barriers to learning they may face. Our provision for Pupil Premium pupils is rooted in the shared belief that all learners deserve the very best opportunities in life and to acquire the skills and knowledge they will need to take these opportunities both now and in later life. We also understand that some learners need a little more support than others to overcome the challenges they may face.

Identified barriers to learning

Many of our Pupil Premium pupils experience barriers to their learning. The most common of these academic and pastoral needs (especially post Covid) are:

  • Emotional and wellbeing related
  • Reading and vocabulary
  • Gaps in learning


What do we offer our Pupil Premium learners

Strategy Statement 2022/23

Strategy Statement 2021/22

Strategy Plan 2020/21

If your child does not take free school meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please see the office to register them, even if you do not wish them to have the meals. This would mean the school could claim Pupil Premium funding that may be used to help both your child and other eligible pupils.