Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

Our School | Our Pupils | School Houses
School Houses
Our School | Our Pupils | School Houses
School Houses







At Holland Junior School each child is allocated to one of four houses. Our pupils suggested famous people they felt demonstrated one or more of our School Values and then each house narrowed their nominations down to two potential candidates. The final draw of names for each house was made in a whole school assembly.

Our Houses are:

Dench House

The pupils chose Dame Judi Dench as a perfect representative for their house as she embodies our values – especially responsibility. As a Quaker she says “my religion informs everything I do – I wouldn’t be without it.” She works with many charities and organisations which support some of India’s and Africa’s poorest indigenous people. She is also passionate about enabling children from all walks of life to access and benefit from seeing or performing classical plays. Her husband is a conservationist and actively promotes the conservation of our native wildlife.

Rowling House

Our pupils chose J.K. Rowling, the author of the best-selling book series in history, as a representative for their house due to her perseverance. She has lived a “rags to riches” life in which she progressed from living on benefits to being the world’s first billionaire author. Her first book was rejected by twelve different publishing houses before it finally reached our book shelves.


Sir David Attenborough was a popular choice by our pupils due to his tireless campaigning on all matters of conservation and for being a “national treasure.” His contribution to broadcasting and wildlife film-making has brought him international recognition; these programmes are often cited as outstanding examples of what public service broadcasting should be. He has won numerous awards for his work much of which has helped us to recognise the impact of human society on the natural world.


Sir Winston Churchill was an obvious choice for our pupils who quickly empathised with his famous phrase “keep plodding on.”  Initially a war correspondent, Churchill wrote articles from his time spent in campaigns in India and Africa. After he led a disastrous campaign in Gallipoli he resigned from government, to return later as a Chancellor of the Exchequer. He became Prime Minister in 1940 and famously led our country to victory in the second world war. As well as praise as a writer for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature he has received much praise as a social reformer.