Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

Home | Our School | Times of School Day
Times of School Day
Home | Our School | Times of School Day
Times of School Day







Children are encouraged to have a bottle of water in their classroom, preferably with a “sports” top, so please ensure they bring one to school each day and that it is clearly named.

School gates open at: 8.30am

We operate a “soft start” where children go directly to their classrooms: 8.30am to 8.50am 

Registration: 8.50am – gates close

Morning Break (Fruit /healthy snacks only. No nuts.): Between 11.00 – 11.15am

Lunch Break: Between 12.15 and 1.15pm

End of the school day (Children to be collected from the front playground once dismissed from class): 3:30pm


The compulsory timings of the school week are 32.5 hours.