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Enhanced Learning Provision
Home | Year Groups | Year 3
Year 3
DfE approval for the opening of an SEND Hub was granted on …..
The SEND hub is a High Coin Unit with facilities of 12 pupils with an EHCP for Autistic Spectrum Condition.
Welcome to Maple Class
The Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP) at Holland Junior School aims to provide an engaging, safe and personalised learning environment. Our objectives include encouraging students to develop independent learning skills whilst nurturing opportunities for our learners to express themselves in a wide variety of ways.
Students with ASC (Autistic Spectrum Condition) benefit from personalised and adapted learning experiences. Our curriculum is centred around the children, ensuring their specific needs are catered for with bespoke planning and resourcing. Developing positive interactions/communication with peers and adults is woven into the school day.
Facilitating happy, rich learning experiences is very much at the heart of everything we do.
In English this term, we will be reading The Queen’s Nose by Dick
King-Smith and ‘The Girl who Stole and Elephant’ by Nizrana Farook and using
them to build on our comprehension skills.
In Maths this term, we will be learning about place value of
numbers. We will also be learning how to add and
subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s. We will be learning how to add and subtract
across the boundary.
Over the next half term we will be learning how our emotions can affect our learning so that we can improve the way we learn. This will be followed by a unit of work called ‘Tombs, Temples and Treasures’ where will be comparing the civilisations of the Ancient Egyptians with the Ancient Sumerians and learning about their lives.