Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

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Year 5/6

Home | Year Groups | Year 6

Year 6







Welcome to Year 5/6

Bowles- Day 1

We have settled in well. 

Mrs Brown’s group have done the rope course/ zip wire and rock climbing: it was very high! 
Mrs Healy’s and Miss Newton’s  groups had 2 hours of ski and sledging lessons. They loved it.  
Ms O’Callaghan’s group had a teamwork session and then kayaking. They adored the paddling. 
We have just settled down for dinner of sausage, chips and sweetcorn. It has been well earnt this afternoon. 
Before bed, we will be having a DVD. 
Day 2 
We have had an amazing day. Full of lots of adventures. 
Photos will be uploaded tomorrow. 
Some have climbed, kayaked and completed teamwork challenges. 
We have had dinner and now sat round a bonfire making smores. 
We will all be having hot chocolate later and then showers and bed. 
Your child will have lots to tell you about. They are all proud of themselves and what they have accomplished on this trip. 

We are the year 5 and 6 team: Willow, Beech and Birch. Our team consist of Miss Newton & Miss Golsby; Mrs Healy and Mrs Yates; Mr Kutchesfahani & Miss Tiernan. We are looking forward to an amazing year together and all of the fun learning and experiences that we will share.

Each morning, year 5 and 6s will have separate English, Maths and Reading lessons.

Here is some important information for you:

  • PE for Willow is every Tuesday and Wednesday
  • PE for Beech is every Wednesday and Thursday
  • PE for Birch is every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Homework goes out on a Friday and comes back in on a Wednesday
  • Reading Records need to be completed three times a week. However, Year 6 students are expected to read daily. This should include a range of genres (speak to a member of the Year 6 Team if you would like any book recommendations).


There are a plethora of exciting learning experiences, trips and residential to enjoy this year and we can’t wait to share them with you.

Read through the information in our Autumn 1 Topic Letter and watch this space for more information! 


Autumn 1 Timetable

Topic Letters

Autumn 1 Topic Letter

Home Learning

Autumn 1 Home Learning Menu