Holland Junior

Holland Junior School

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Year 5/6

Home | Year Groups | Year 6

Year 6







Welcome to Year 5/6

We are the year 5 and 6 team: Willow, Beech and Birch. Our team consist of Miss Newton & Miss Golsby; Mrs Healy and Mrs Yates; Mr Kutchesfahani & Miss Tiernan. We are looking forward to an amazing year together and all of the fun learning and experiences that we will share.

Each morning, year 5 and 6s will have separate English, Maths and Reading lessons.

Here is some important information for you:

  • PE for Willow is every Tuesday and Wednesday
  • PE for Beech is every Wednesday and Thursday
  • PE for Birch is every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Homework goes out on a Friday and comes back in on a Wednesday
  • Reading Records need to be completed three times a week. However, Year 6 students are expected to read daily. This should include a range of genres (speak to a member of the Year 6 Team if you would like any book recommendations).


There are a plethora of exciting learning experiences, trips and residential to enjoy this year and we can’t wait to share them with you.

Read through the information in our Autumn 1 Topic Letter and watch this space for more information! 


Autumn 1 Timetable

Topic Letters

Autumn 1 Topic Letter

Home Learning

Autumn 1 Home Learning Menu